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Membership clause
The goods displayed on this site are semi-finished products for business use. If it is not the defects of the goods themselves, no return will be accepted.

《Consent form of member service agreement terms》

First, accept the terms.
1. The consent form of this agreement is the agreement and related rights and obligations of the members of this website; if the members of this website do not agree to the content of this consent form, you can choose not to join to become a member or to apply to withdraw from membership. Once you join a member or continue the services provided on this website, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the agreement.
2. This site reserves the right to revise the contents of this website and this consent form at any time. The revised terms of service will be posted on the website without prior notice.

3. This website reserves the right to stop or change the contents of each service or terminate all member account services at any time without prior notice to members. In any case, immediately stop, change the service or terminate the member account service, which may cause trouble, inconvenience or damage, this website is not responsible for any member or third party.
4. If you are under the age of 20, you should register or use it after your legal representative has read, understood and agreed to all the contents of these Terms of Service and subsequent changes. By using or continuing to use any of the services provided on this website, it means that your legal representative has read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of these Terms of Service and subsequent changes.

Second, the member's registration obligations.
In order to ensure that members use the rights and interests of the services of this website, members are required to comply with the following requirements:
1. According to the tips of the member application form, please provide your own correct, true, up-to-date and complete information, and there must be no unrealistic, incomplete, false or misunderstood situations. Members may not deny participation in all activities of the site or refuse payment on the grounds that the information is inconsistent.
2. If there is any change to the member's information, you should immediately update your personal information. If there is no immediate update, the impact will be the responsibility of the member. The site is not responsible for it.
3. Members use the service content of this website, based on the transaction data of this website or related websites. If there is any doubt, the electronic transaction data will be used as the identification standard.
4. When the member agrees to use the service to order the product, isticker still reserves the right not to accept the order or cancel the shipment until the transaction is confirmed by isticker. After the member sends a subscription notice to the sticker, the system will automatically send you an email notification to receive your order message, but this does not mean that the transaction has been completed, isticker reserves the right to accept the order, if the transaction conditions are incorrect, or If the item is out of stock, or the service is not available, or if isticker is unable to accept the order, isticker will contact you by phone and refund you.
5. If the member arbitrarily returns or cancels the order after ordering the product through this service, or if any isticker thinks that it is inappropriate and causes any trouble or damage to the isticker operation, Isticker will refuse to accept the transaction, suspend the payment method provided by this website, or permanently cancel the membership.

Third, member account, password and security.
1. After completing the membership registration process and confirmed by the website, you will have a dedicated account and password for this website. It is the responsibility of the member to maintain the confidentiality of the password and account number. Members agree to be fully responsible for all actions taken with this password and account number.
2. Each time the member finishes using it, the member account should be closed. If any loss or damage caused by violation of this regulation is violated, this website will not be responsible for it. This website will directly stop or terminate the membership rights.

Fourth, member behavior.
1. Members shall not destroy or interfere with the systems, services and functions of this website for any reason, and it is strictly forbidden to invade or damage any system or pass/delivery on the network.
2. If the member violates the agreement of this consent form, this website will directly stop or terminate the membership rights and immediately stop the use of the relevant rights, and the use of passwords and accounts.
3. Except as otherwise expressly provided, members are limited to use by themselves or enjoy the rights of members. If they transfer, lend, rent, share with others or otherwise provide third-party use, this website is not responsible for any damage to the content of the data.
4. Members are responsible for the use of this website or the materials or behaviors transmitted through this website, and are not within the scope of this website.

5. Members must abide by the provisions of intellectual property rights. If there is any violation, this website will pursue relevant legal responsibilities according to law.
6. This website is available in an "e-mail" manner to provide members with additional business information related to this website.

Fifth, the network link.
1. This website will be linked to other websites in the form of "hyperlinks" for members to inquire and use.
2. The content of the linked website is provided by each of the websites, and the company does not bear the content and responsibility of each linked website.
3. When members use the linked website, they should abide by the usage rules of each linked website.

Sixth, Guarantee / Liability to pay compensation.
1. This website provides various services to members and does not bear any or implied warranty.
2. This website is not liable for direct or indirect damages caused by the use of various services by members ; in the case of a service provider who pays for the use of the project, this website is only liable for the fee.

The ownership of this website and the copyrights of the materials, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and intellectual property rights, as well as ownership or other rights, are the property of the site or its rights holders. Except for the prior authorization of this website or its rights holders, members may not remake, transmit, modify, edit or use them in any other form for any purpose without permission, and the violators shall bear the relevant legal responsibilities.

Promotional information of products: Members understand that there are promotional advertisements for commercial advertisements and various commodities on this website. These contents are all made by advertisers or commodity service providers. This site only provides media for publishing content. 

If the equipment is damaged due to natural disasters or force majeure, and the connection service cannot be provided, the website will be repaired as soon as possible; this website will not be responsible for such effects.